According to our resident tarot reader Sharan, this Chinese Zodiac Year of the Snake represents transformation, creativity and creating stability. It’s a year of personal and career progression – so make the most of the opportunities that come your way. See what she say about your 2025 horoscopes!
Horoscopes by Chinese Zodiac Sign
Horoscopes 2025 for the Rat
Birth years: 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936
It’s a fast-paced and creative year for the Rat – you will dream up new ideas and try out new things, and you’ll see some success in your new endeavours. It’s also time to put old conflicts to rest. Set your ego aside and end the animosity as you’ll need the support from people around you to see you through your journey.
You will also need a solid plan to see your creative ideas bear fruit. Hard work won’t deter you this year, and the good news is you’ll experience a breakthrough in your plans – though you’ll have to find confidence to convince others about the viability of your ideas or plans.
Horoscopes 2025 for the Ox
Birth years: 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937
It’s an excellent year for your career. Expect to be busier than ever, but rewards will follow. You’re keen to explore new ways of appreciating life while being apprehensive about splurging. Find a balance between treating yourself and thinking about others. After all, you deserve some pampering after all that hard work!
You’re seeking change in the way you view life. You haven’t looked at life through rose-tinted glasses before – maybe try it for a change. Indulge in art appreciation, spend time in nature’s beauty or pursue a romantic connection! These efforts to lead a balanced life will result in abundance.
Horoscopes 2025 for the Tiger
Birth years: 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938
The spotlight for 2025 is on relationships. You could be investing your time and energy in the wrong person, finding yourself struggling to move past some trust issues with them. The issue really lies with you. Your lack of self-respect and self-worth is being projected onto your relationships. Work on yourself and you’ll find happiness.
This can also lend a positive outcome in your career. You may find yourself leaving behind a job where you weren’t appreciated and moving on to one where your efforts are recognised. The good news is, love will come around again by year’s end once you honour your own needs and wants.
Horoscopes 2025 for the Rabbit
Birth years: 2011, 1999, 1997, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939
You’ve reached the peak of your success and it’s time to retreat and recharge. Step back for a fresh perspective. Keep your own emotional needs in check, and don’t let others deplete you. You’ll need energy and courage for the challenges ahead.
It’s a year of transition for the Rabbit. You’re ready to leave behind what doesn’t serve you anymore and embrace something new. Take life as it comes and keep your emotions even, as the year ahead could be emotionally challenging at times. Embrace a new perspective by letting go of relationships that have expected too much and discovering what is healthy for you.
Horoscopes 2025 for the Dragon
Birth years: 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940
You need to get your lustre back. Things are a bit off balance and you’ve been doing too much without much reward. Go back to the drawing board and work on getting things in balance. You’ve tried to achieve too much too soon, which is why you’re facing this predicament.
Delegate and slow your pace down so you can pay attention to the details. Being methodical and detailed are your superpowers – don’t lose sight of them. Don’t hold onto things or people that are holding you back, and don’t resist ending things. Remember, for every end, there’s a new beginning. It’s a year of change and growth.
Horoscopes 2025 for the Snake
Birth years: 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941
It’s time for contemplation. Change is on the horizon but you aren’t sure about the direction you’re about to take. Things will get clearer as the year unfolds. It might not be the best time for investments; missed opportunities could see you losing rather than gaining. Having money doesn’t make you the happiest person, and it’s the same with not having it; find a place in between, where money isn’t a measure of your self-worth.
Similarly, being over-generous in your relationship is a reflection of your self-worth. Set the balance right this year. Big changes are coming up that will reveal a new perspective on the way you live your life.
Horoscopes 2025 for the Horse
Birth years: 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942
Circumstances will force you to go with the flow when you try your hardest to resist. You’ll soon realise that what is not meant for you will never be yours. Surrender to the process and see where it takes you. This brings up the question of trust, too. Are you willing to trust yourself and the people around you to lead you to where you’re meant to be?
You’ve been distracted by others in order to escape looking at yourself. This year, shift the focus to you. Apply the same advice you dispense to others for yourself. In other words, walk the talk. There is a sense of rebuilding yourself this year. You may need to shed the old you but it will definitely be for the good.
Horoscopes 2025 for the Sheep
Birth years: 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943
You’ll finally overcome your fears and anxiety with quiet power and inner confidence. There’s a lot to be happy about as you gather the nearest and dearest to celebrate this breakthrough. This newfound confidence leads you to question how you can improve yourself further; the goal is to hone your craft through refining your skills or adding to it.
Calming the inner battle may be an ongoing exercise this year. It’s easy to fall back on negative self-talk. Take active steps to work on this in a more productive way. A well-deserved rest is a good start – avoid overextending yourself. And refrain from taking things too personally. It’s a big task, but take small steps towards it.
Horoscopes 2025 for the Monkey
Birth years: 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944
You’ve achieved financial independence yet you’re feeling trapped by money. The more you make, the more you want. The key is finding a balance; greed will lead to losing it all.
Your impatience of wanting things now and quickly will be tested this year. You might have to instead face the reality of your circumstances. Slowing down is one way of realising the impracticality of rushing.
You’ll realise, too, that surrounding yourself with material things won’t make you happy this year. Instead, surround yourself with love. Quashing disharmony with people will rank high on your to-do list.
Horoscopes 2025 for the Rooster
Birth years: 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945
It’s a year of discovering what is holding you back from feeling truly happy in life. You’ve realised material wealth is not the answer. The key to unlocking your happiness lies in your mind. It’s also time to let go of past setbacks and self-blame. Show some compassion to yourself and acknowledge your inner strength that is within for overcoming mental blocks.
You’re capable of much more, if only you stopped doubting yourself. You’ve become rather narrow-minded in your perception. It’s important to look beyond what is before you if you’re to free yourself and reach greater heights.
Horoscopes 2025 for the Dog
Birth years: 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934
Circumstances have made you realise the importance of establishing a healthy relationship with money – like not spending it as soon as it’s earnt! Take time to acknowledge this achievement.
Along with gaining control of your financial situation, you also need to acknowledge your own selfworth and move past feeling like the victim. People will try to bring you down every now and then. Take it as a test of your resilience. It will become clear which people you should be investing your time and energy in and who you should drop from your circle. Surround yourself with people who will lift you up, not bring you down.
Horoscopes 2025 for the Pig
Birth years: 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935
Mental clarity and self-priority are key this year. Without them, you’d be floating along with no structure. Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses can put you ahead of the game. Expect career progression, as you find yourself in the right place at the right time. However, a restlessness to succeed may lead to wrong decisions. Keep your feet on the ground!
Being hard on yourself has probably led to some sour relationships. Place family at the forefront and cherish precious time with those that matter, even if it means stopping what you’re doing or missing an opportunity. Without this support network, you wouldn’t be where you are now.
This Chinese Zodiac horoscopes 2025 forecast first appeared in the December 2024 edition of Expat Living magazine in Singapore. You can purchase the latest issue or subscribe so you never miss a copy! Also, find out more about expat life in Singapore by reading our latest City Guide here for free!